The Bris of my son will be אי"ה tomorrow Thursday 4 av at 1559 59 st. Brooklyn NY Shacharith 7 am
ישראל מאיר שכטר
סעודת ליל לפני הברית אצל חמי משפחת ווערנר 1675 50ST משעה 8 בערב
The Baby's name is Yitzchok Menachem at the same time today My sister in Eretz Hakodesh at the age of 50 gave birth to twins a Girl and a Boy (she had adopted a girl and a boy) Mazal u Brocho lechol hamispocho אריה שכטר
Which Mitzvah only applies to someone who is sitting, reclining or lying down, but not to a standing one?
On Tisha B'Av morning, everyone sits on the floor as a sign of mourning. However, one person in every synagogue publicly sits down on a chair. Who is this person?
What verse in the Torah has the first three words the same as the last three words?" clue "The verse where Moses did not say emet (the truth)." ?
Whats is first meat then parev then treif then meat?
Shemoneh Esrei consists of 19 blessings. Who, when, where and in what situation does a person say 21 blessings during the repetition of the Shemoneh Esrei? [with out forgetting anything]
Smattering of info about medicine in early rabbinic Judaism:
Of the prohibited Sabbath work categories, grinding is the most germane because many remedies were prepared by grinding. (bShab Ch. 7)
A rule against dressing a wound on Shabbat is derived from the prohibited tannery work of smoothing (ha-memakheq Shab 75b).
Honey: to treat a sore (76b)
Water: to dilute qilor (cp. Greek collyrium) as a red salve for the eye (76b)
(Or breast milk or animal milk could serve as the qilor solvent. )77b)
Blood: a remedy for ליארוד, cataracts or leucoma (78a)(Artscroll or Jastrow)
Antimony (כוחל Jastrow): as a cosmetics pigment and as a medicinal ingredient (80a)
Quicksilver (mercury), common for ancient remedies, was apparently kept in vials [1], according to Rashi. He calls mercury “כסף חי” literally “living silver” i.e. quicksilver. (78b)
I found it curious that Artscroll mentions J. Preuss, Biblical and Talmudic Medicine (76b n7). How often does the Artscroll (Schottenstein) Talmud cite academic works? [2]
Kaspit כספית
[1] The vials were sealed with a small amount of pitch, which for the Mishnah becomes the de minimus amount of pitch that could be carried on Shabbat.)